Test/Exam Schedule
On every Monday, tests will be conducted on various subjects taught.
Periodic Tests and Terms Exams will be conducted as per given schedule.These tests are compulsory for all students form Nursery to Class XII.
Absence on any ground is not permitted except for medical or other emergency situations and it will be subject to submission of medical certificates and/or explanation letter reviewed and sanctioned if found to be valid by school authorities.
Re-test for Periodic Tests & Term Exams will be conducted for students who remain absent on medical grounds only subject to submission of medical certificates reviewed and sanctioned if found to be valid by school authorities. Reports should be submitted to school by the parents on the day of absence itself.
The weightages of marks will be added to the final report of every student.
It is very difficult for a student to compensate for the academic loss due to absence from the class. 75% of attendance is necessary for promotion to the next higher class. Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole year’s performance of the student and hence importance of regularity in attendance and work is imperative. Performance of the students in internal tests/assessments will help the students for next promotion and also help the student to grasp the subject matters of the present class so as to understand and follow the syllabus of the next higher class. Students of Class IX and XI will be offered one chance for improvement of grade/supplementary exams.
Any other promotion policy shall be as per the policy of CBSE, Directorate of Education and Govt of State of Chhattisgarh.
NURSERY & PREP Promotion to the next class will be based on the overall performance
SECTIONS: in the periodic assessments conducted during the academic session.
CLASSES I – V: Promotion to the next class will be based on the overall performance in the periodic assessments conducted during the academic sessions.
CLASSES VI – VIII: Promotion to the next class will be based on the overall performance in the periodic assessments conducted during the academic sessions as follows:
Term 1
80 Marks
Entire syllabus of 1st term.
20 Marks
(Periodic assessment)
Term 2
Annual Exam
Periodic Tests
Notebook Submission
Subject Enrichment Activity
80 marks, Syllabus coverage as below
10 marks
5 marks
5 marks
Class VI
10% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term.
Class VII
20% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term.
Class VIII
30% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term.
- The student has to secure 33% marks in each subject to be eligible for promotion to the next higher class.
- A student who has secured less than 33% marks in three or more subjects will be detained in the same class.
- A student who has secured less than 33% in one or two subjects will be placed for the improvement/supplementary exam.
- On no account there will be repetition of improvement/supplementary exam.
- A student who has secured less than 33% marks in two or more subjects at the improvement/supplementary exam will be not be eligible for promotion and will be detained in the same class.
CLASSES IX & XI: IX & XI Promotion to the next higher class will be according to CBSE rules and regulations. Promotion to the next class will be based on the overall performance in the Periodic assessments conducted during the academic sessions as follows:
Weightage: First Term 40 marks & Second Term 60 marks
Cumulative syllabus for
each term
Term 1
Periodic 1
10 Marks
Half Yearly Exam
30 Marks
Entire syllabus of 1st term
Term 2
Periodic 2
10 Marks
Annual Exam
50 Marks
Full syllabus
- The student has to secure 33% marks in each subject to be eligible for promotion to the next higher class.
- A student who has secured less than 33% marks in three or more subjects will be detained in the same class.
- A student who has secured less than 33% in one or two subjects will be placed for the improvement/supplementary exam.
- On no account there will be repetition of improvement/supplementary exam.
- A student who has secured less than 33% marks in two or more subjects at the improvement/supplementary exam will be not be eligible for promotion and will be detained in the same class.
- A student has to clearly pass in practical and theory of the practical subjects wherever applicable. Practical and theory marks will not be added together for promotion.
CLASSES X & XII As per CBSE rules and regulations.